Program Admission
The first module will be held in March 2020.
For the first module ("Basics of Trauma Therapy" or "Basics of Child Mental Health Counseling") the completed psychological education is not necessary.
The program has three specializations:
- Trauma Therapy,
- Child Mental Health Counseling
- Family Counseling.
See the PROGRAM section for more information.
For enrollment to the postgraduate program you will need to:
- complete the first module
- pass an interview
- have a degree in psychology (or to be in the last year of psychology study)
- make the downpayment
- respect for Christian worldview and values.
Please check in for the first module for reservation:
- Trauma Therapy specialization or the module "Basics of traumatherapy" -
- Child Mental Health Counseling specialization or the module "Basics of Child Mental Health Counseling" -