Olesia Druzhina

​ The program allowed me toreach a qualitatively new professional level. And that's not just words. At the beginning of the program some things seemed to me unattainable in my career as a mental health professional. And after a year and a half of training, I looked at the group of people I considered to be advanced professionals, and suddenly realized that I use all the same skills naturally, confidently and easily. Now I understand the processes of counseling deeper and I am able to percieve the nuances. All this happened due to my training through a well-designed and implemented curriculum. The theory was harmoniously combined with practice, and the workload grew gradually, but constantly. I would like to express my thanks for supervisory support throughout the entire period of training. Our supervisors inspired us to increase our professional development and supported us on this path, helped us to overcome anxiety, and taught us not to be content with what is immediately visible but to go deeper.
I would like to thank to everyone who created this program and implemented it!

Olga Kolesnikova-Chmel

For me, this program provides an opportunity to improve my skills and increase the level of my services to meet the requirements of international standards. The program even exceeded my expectations. First of all, this is a high level of teaching. Teachers are international level experts with enormous experience, they demonstrate practical counseling and excellent ability to share their experience in a clear and accessible manner. This is a wonderful correlation of theory and practice, where the focus is on the ability to apply the knowledge gained. The program encompasses the openness and transparency of the learning process, where clear evaluation criteria are used to create a plan for the training and development of each student. The goal of training is clearly stated and the achievement of these goals is measured through the capacity of the supervision system. The openness of the teachers is impressive. Even in the presence of different time zones, there is constant communication and support. The atmosphere of multicultural communication gives a sense of coherence to global processes in the field of psychological care. The Christian values ​​that are present in the organization are very important to me. It is a feeling of high moral standard, true professionalism, with orientation on the person who is seeking help.

Lyudmila Novitska

I was quite skeptical about this program at the beginning, as I have had before negative experience with a two-year Ukrainian supervisory project. The program "Psychological Counseling and Traumatherapy" was chosen by me because of the positive feedback from program graduates and teachers. My recent experience of studying proves that if I want to be in line with the modern achievements, I have to study from foreign professionals. I liked the duration of the sessions (about one week - no dsiturbance from the usual life schedule), and permanent support (weekly meetings with a supervisor), as well as constant work in small groups with foreign teachers (the cross-cultural experience) . I also appreciated the possibility to share experience with peers. I liked the attitude of teachers towards the students. This is that much different from my experience of studying in two local universities where students were just intimidated by exams and credits. In this program, teachers are happy to answer questions, helping students to find solutions in delicate situations with clients or when learning new approaches. This very attentive way of treating students induced me to treat my clients the same way. And although I came to this program with a good deal of experience in trauma treatment, here I discovered a lot of new nuances of the psychologist` appoach. THe profession of psychologist requires constant improvement and interst to the job and to the own personality as well, and this program meets these both needs.

Irina Klescherova

It is a high-quality practically oriented program for psychologists. Practical training of skills begins on the very first day of the program, under the guidance of highly skilled experienced teachers. After the first module, one can already use the knowledge and skills gained in work with the clients. The theory is provided to the extent that is necessary for understanding of actual practical work. A significant part of the curriculum is dedicated to approaching diffucult problems or categories of clients. In order to meet the requirements of the program, the students have to start their own practice and work hard, and this leads to a quick gathering of experience and significant growth of qualification in short time. Practicing with clients is carried out under systematic supervision, that provides support to beginners and assistance in solving difficult issues, helps in increasing of competencies, awareness of strengths and compensating the weaknesses. I am very happy with the program, now I can feel and see significant positive changes in my practice after completion of this program. I would like to express gratitude to the teachers and founders of this project for the opportunity to participate.

Natalia Shcherbyna

The Postgraduate Certification Program of Trauma Therapy has become an important part of my education. I decided to take part in the program, having already had around 380 hours of theory and practice in trauma treatment at various training seminars. My goal was to summarize my knowledge and to get supervision, because in my opinion the long-term work under supervision of more experienced colleagues and discussing the practice turn a bold beginner into a mature and efficient professional. The job of a therapist requires creative approach: every person is unique in the world with their problems and resources or coping styles. However, in addition to сcreativity, each therapist has to be able to use psychotherapeutic tools, and therefore to know how his behavior and worldview contribute to the terapeutic alliance with the client and impact the integration of his traumatic experience. The program enriches the toolkit, contributes to the shaping of worldview of the therapist, that maximally contributes to the recovery of the client, enables them to process their own mistakes, supports the formation of an individual working style. Organizers and teachers do not allow students to "slack off". There is a lot of literature to be read, audio and video records of sessions to be made, experience to be reconsidered, students are tought to document it, read it and re-think again and again. Learning in practice is exactly what I was missing in my previous education. It is very difficult, but it makes my respect for myself and the confidence that I can call myself a psychotherapist growing.