Get your second specialization in a year! 03.02.2025
Posted on 2025-02-03 11:28:31
Get your second specialization in a year!
Good news for students and graduates of our institute! In the 2025-2026 academic year, you have the opportunity to obtain a second specialization within one year.
For whom?
- 1st and 2nd year students
- Graduates
Available specializations:
Clinical psychology and psychotherapy of children and adolescents
Clinical Psychology and Family Counseling
Clinical Psychology and Trauma Psychotherapy
If you have completed the specialization "Clinical Psychology and Trauma Psychotherapy," you can enroll in:
- Clinical psychology and psychotherapy of children and adolescents
- Clinical Psychology and Family Counseling
Training conditions:
Duration: 1 year
Cost: 60 000 UAH
Clinical practice: 140 hours
If you have completed Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents or Clinical Psychology and Family Counseling, you can enroll in:
- Clinical Psychology and Trauma Psychotherapy
📌 Study conditions are determined according to your first specialization.
📍 To register, fill out the form
Have any questions? Write to the administrator 097 750 2257 (Whats App)
Detailed information and registration

Attention! Payment details have been changed! 26.08.2024
Posted on 2024-08-26 10:08:44
ATTENTION! The payment details for the courses “Basics of Traumatherapy,” “Basics of Child Counseling and Traumatherapy,” and “Techniques and Practice of Family Counseling” have been changed!
Payment Details:
Recipient Code: 45655291
Recipient's Bank: OTP BANK JSC, Kyiv
MFO: 300528
Account No.: UA793005280000026009000043402
Payment Purpose: Full Name. Payment for educational services.
You can complete the registration via the following links:
“Basics of Trauma Therapy” -
“Basics of Child Counseling and Trauma Therapy” -
“Techniques and Practice of Family Counseling” -
Detailed information and registration

News 15.08.2024
Posted on 2024-08-15 07:14:12
!!Attention students!!
Dear students, starting this year our two-year program is being updated, and moving forward it will have a modified study structure.
Upcoming updates:
✅ During the first year, all students entering the program will start with the Clinical Psychology and Trauma Psychotherapy concentration.
✅ In the second year of study, in the May-June period, all those considering obtaining a second concentration - Clinical Counseling of Children and Adolescents, or Clinical Psychology and Family Therapy, must write a statement with a request to enroll in the second educational concentration according to the outlined format. The concentrations will be opened on the condition that there are 6 or more applicants.
Study terms and conditions:
1. Each additional concentration has 3-4 field-specific subjects that are taught on a semester basis during the academic year, one subject in the fall, the second in the spring, and the third in the spring of the following year. Thus, during the second year of the program, students will complete the second year of study and simultaneously receive a second concentration.
Considering the fact that for the second concentration students will need to gain 70 additional practice hours with clients, depending on the chosen concentration and clientele (these can be children and teenagers or married couples), the duration of study might be extended by one semester. Accordingly, the entire study program will last 2.5 years.
2. During the internship for the second concentration, students will be provided with professional supervisors who specialize in child or family counseling.
3. Upon admission to the second concentration, an interview will be conducted with each student to explain and discuss the terms and specifics of the study curriculum in more detail.
4. Tuition: one year of study for the second concentration costs UAH 60,000.
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of Traumatherapy Every Friday
Posted on 2024-04-29 11:11:13
The specialization "Trauma Therapy".
You can familiarize yourself with the course schedule in the section CURRICULUM PLAN.
Registration for online training in is already open: оn January: every Friday in March from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Trauma Module 1 - has a general educational character and anyone can go through it:
psychologists, chaplains, volunteers, activists, social workers, teachers, priests, church ministers, as well as everyone for whom the topic of psychotrauma is relevant.
During courses, students will receive basic knowledge of trauma therapy, learn to
provide psychological first aid, receive skills assisting a client with death and loss, and learn to manage compassion fatigue.
Foundations of Trauma Therapy.
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy within the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma.
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and compassion stress management.
4. Grief and loss.
5. Protocols of immediate stabilization in the conditions of war according to the Israeli experience in the conditions of war (ISP).
Detailed information and registration:
Detailed information and registration
Detailed information and registration

We invite you to participate in the mental health conference "Meeting Community Mental Health Needs in Wartime" 25-27.04.2024
Posted on 2024-04-02 07:15:08
Тhe mental health of the wartime community is as important as the physical rehabilitation of military, veterans, and civilians. The war created a great need for psychological help for the population in such conditions as: anxiety, depression, grief, apathy. Our society is going through a traumatic experience that needs careful work now.
We invite you to participate in the mental health conference "Meeting Community Mental Health Needs in Wartime."
When: 25.04 - 27.04.2024.
Where: Ivano-Frankivsk, Stanislaviv Hotel
(7 Vyacheslava Chornovola St.).
Time: 25.04.2024 - from 18.00 to 20.00;
April 26-27, 2024 - from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Guest of the conference and main speaker: Oksana Sivak - Deputy Minister of Veteran Affairs for European Integration.
Report on the topic: Vision of the mental health care system in Ukraine.
Speakers of the event (leading experts in clinical psychology from the USA and Ukraine) and seminar topics:
Josh Kraimeier (Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision, Licensed Professional Counselor and Family Therapist in Colorado, USA).
Topic: The Whole Family Serves: Strategies for Reducing Stigma and Expanding Participation in Individual and Family Mental Health Therapy for Military Families.
Oleksandr Darmoros (master's degree in practical psychology and social work, military psychologist, crisis psychologist, trauma therapist.
Topic: Self-management during extreme stress: Decompression and self-regulation techniques.
Lilia Obshta (clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, supervisor. Experience in counseling and psychotherapy of children, adolescents and adults for over 15 years)
Topic: Helping children regulate and learn during stressful situations: Neurosequential model of learning.
Olga Semenova (psychotherapist, teacher and supervisor)
Topic: Helping Trauma Survivors: An Introduction to Trauma Work.
The cost of participation in the conference is UAH 500,
for students and social workers - UAH 300.
Participants from other cities can stay at the Travel Station hostel (Zaliznychna Street, 49) at the expense of the conference organizers.
Only 29 beds/places are available. Places will be allocated in the order of priority of registration. So hurry up to register.
Join in!
Registration via the link:
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of Traumatherapy Every Friday in March
Posted on 2024-02-26 14:15:56
The specialization "Trauma Therapy".
You can familiarize yourself with the course schedule in the section CURRICULUM PLAN.
Registration for online training in is already open: оn January: every Friday in March from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Trauma Module 1 - has a general educational character and anyone can go through it:
psychologists, chaplains, volunteers, activists, social workers, teachers, priests, church ministers, as well as everyone for whom the topic of psychotrauma is relevant.
During courses, students will receive basic knowledge of trauma therapy, learn to
provide psychological first aid, receive skills assisting a client with death and loss, and learn to manage compassion fatigue.
Foundations of Trauma Therapy.
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy within the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma.
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and compassion stress management.
4. Grief and loss.
5. Protocols of immediate stabilization in the conditions of war according to the Israeli experience in the conditions of war (ISP).
Detailed information and registration:
Detailed information and registration
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of child counseling and traumatherapy Every Friday and thursday in march
Posted on 2024-02-26 14:02:32
Welcome to the subject “Fundamentals of Child Counseling and Trauma Therapy” within the program “Psychological Counseling”, specialty “Clinical Counseling for Children and Adolescents”.
The educational project exists in Ukraine from 2016 in the result of collaboration between Regent University (Virginia Beach, USA) and International Institute of Postgraduate Institute (Kyiv, Ukraine) and designed for a wide range of students who share Christian values.
The studies will be held 2023 December, 1, 8, 15, 22 online from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Not only Psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, school psychologists are welcomed to join the training.but the training will be also useful for teachers, nurses in the field of psychiatry, pediatricians, workers at the orphanages, and social workers.
Within the discipline, participants will receive the following knowledge:
1. Overview of children's trauma.
2. Techniques of working with children in "Field conditions".
3. Therapy of children's grief. Work with temporarily displaced families.
4. Learning the stabilization protocol.
We will provide you with all the necessary interventions to work with children and parents at this stage of the war.
Most often, people ask about recording the course, we are convinced that this course should take place live, in dialogue. It is specially designed for a wide range of listeners, this training additionally acts as a kind of support group for participants. We deliberately do not switch to sending recorded videos, training takes place online, but live. If you decide to undergo such training, please note that personal presence is a mandatory requirement.
The cost of the course in peacetime is UAH 6,000, in wartime we will be grateful for any amount acceptable to you.
DETAILS for payment:
Current account: UA373005280000026005455057520
EDRPOU: 42276128
Recipient's bank: JSC "OTP Bank"
MFO of the Bank: 300528
Purpose of payment: P.I.B. Payment for the provision of educational services.
Registration via the link:
Detailed information and registration
Detailed information and registration

Techniques and Practice of Family Counseling Friday and Saturday in April
Posted on 2024-02-26 13:04:27
We are recruiting for the "Techniques and Practice of Family Counseling" educational program, which offers the first level of the American "Psychological Counseling" program with a specialization in "Clinical Psychology and Family Therapy." The training will be held online in April 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The program includes evidence-based methods of psychological counseling recognized in the world, with the integration of Christian values into the educational process. This educational project has existed in Ukraine since 2016, is a joint project of Regent University (Virginia Beach, USA) and the International Institute of Postgraduate Education and is open to a wide range of students, in particular, social workers, teachers, lecturers and students, regardless of specialty. No special education is required to participate.
Upon successful completion of the 4-day training, participants will receive a certificate from the International Institute of Postgraduate Education with the support of Regent University.
The program is licensed by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture dated May 15, 2019 No. 509-L).
Participants will gain knowledge of family counseling within the disciplines:
1. Establishing work with families, couples, child-parent relationships and parents' requests for work with children's problems.
2. Effective family counseling during divorce and working with blended families.
3. Help in overcoming sexual difficulties in a couple's relationship.
4. Understanding addictive and codependent cycles and the skills to change them.
People often ask about course registration. We are convinced that this course should take place live, in dialogue. It is specially designed for a wide range of listeners. This training also acts as a kind of support group for the participants. We deliberately do not switch to sending recorded videos, training takes place online, but live. If you decide to undergo such training, please note that personal presence is a mandatory requirement.
The cost of training in peacetime is UAH 6,000, in wartime we will be grateful for any amount acceptable to you.
DETAILS for payment:
Current account: UA373005280000026005455057520 EDRPOU: 42276128
Recipient's bank: JSC "OTP Bank"
MFO of the Bank: 300528
Purpose of payment: P.I.B. Payment for the provision of educational services.
Please keep the receipt. Please note: the electronic version of the receipt must be downloaded in the registration form in the Google form.
Registration via the link:
Detailed information and registration
Detailed information and registration

"Multidisciplinary approach in rehabilitation. Today's challenges" 21-22.12.2023
Posted on 2023-12-15 13:00:23
Name of the Provider (from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations):
Limited Liability Company "International Institute of Postgraduate Education"
Co-organizers of the event: -
Target audience (according to the Nomenclature of medical specialties): Doctors of physical and rehabilitation medicine
Type of BPR event: Training on mastering practical skills
Planned number of participants: 5
Learning objective:
professional development of multidisciplinary rehabilitation teams in healthcare institutions to provide high-quality rehabilitation care
Teaching method/methods: Lectures, practical training, supervision
Number of BPR points: 25
Date of BPR event: 21-22.12. 2023
Venue of the BPR event (full address): city of Dnipro, Novokodatsky district, st. Blyzhnia, 31
Surname, first name and patronymic of the lecturer/trainer: Pivnyk Alla Petrivna
Summary of the lecturer/trainer:
Program of the BPR event:
Description of the requirements for the level of knowledge, mastery of the topic, skills, experience of the participants until the moment of registration for this event (if necessary): -
Technical support (yes/no?). In the event that the use of medical products provided by the distributor is planned during the BPR event for the acquisition of certain practical skills, the Provider shall post a copy of the agreement, which indicates the ways to prevent a potential conflict of interest and the prohibition of using the trade name of the medical product: -
Methods of evaluating acquired knowledge: Test control, individual control
BPR event code (BPR event registration number is entered after assignment by the Administrator):
Registration form:
Detailed information and registration

The Basics of Trauma Therapy Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
Posted on 2023-12-18 14:13:02
The specialization "Trauma Therapy".
You can familiarize yourself with the course schedule in the section CURRICULUM PLAN.
Registration for online training in is already open: оn January: every Wednesday: January 10, 17, 24 and 31 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., every Friday - January 12, 19, 26 and February 2 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., every Saturday - January 13, 20, 27 and February 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Trauma Module 1 - has a general educational character and anyone can go through it:
psychologists, chaplains, volunteers, activists, social workers, teachers, priests, church ministers, as well as everyone for whom the topic of psychotrauma is relevant.
During courses, students will receive basic knowledge of trauma therapy, learn to
provide psychological first aid, receive skills assisting a client with death and loss, and learn to manage compassion fatigue.
Foundations of Trauma Therapy.
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy within the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma.
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and compassion stress management.
4. Grief and loss.
5. Protocols of immediate stabilization in the conditions of war according to the Israeli experience in the conditions of war (ISP).
Detailed information and registration:
Detailed information and registration

Fundamentals of Child Counseling and Trauma Therapy January 2024 every Friday
Posted on 2023-12-15 12:15:40
Teachers who pass the "Fundamentals of Child Counseling and Trauma Therapy" can receive a certificate that they can use to improve their qualifications. The course is estimated at 32 hours - 1 ECTS. The training is organized by the International Institute of Postgraduate Education in cooperation with the Association of Psychological Counseling and Trauma Therapy.
We remind you that training in December will be held every Friday - January 12, 19, 26 and February in online format from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
These classes will be conducted by children's crisis therapists who have extensive experience in the field of play and sand therapy. Teachers will conduct training according to American standards.
The course "Fundamentals of child counseling and trauma therapy" is open to everyone who provides psychological assistance to children in war conditions: psychologists, psychiatrists, volunteers, school psychologists, teachers, nurses, pediatricians, workers in orphanages, social workers and parents who wish to learn how to provide psychological first aid for children and adolescents. This course does not require special education.
The course will help participants understand how to work with children's grief and acute stress reactions of children to military events, to be able to stabilize the child's mental state and acquire practical and useful exercises for working with children in "field conditions". Such a course is useful for those who already have a basic knowledge of psychology and wish to deepen their knowledge of working with children who have experienced traumatic events. How to talk to children about war, loss of loved ones and other difficult topics.
Within the discipline, participants will receive the following knowledge:
1. Overview of children's trauma.
2. Techniques of working with children in "Field conditions".
3. Therapy of children's grief. Work with temporarily displaced families.
4. Learning the stabilization protocol.
Most often, people ask about recording the course, we are convinced that this course should take place live, in dialogue. It is specially designed for a wide range of listeners, this training additionally acts as a kind of support group for participants. We deliberately do not switch to sending recorded videos, training takes place online, but live. If you decide to undergo such training, please note that personal presence is a mandatory requirement.
The cost of the course in peacetime is UAH 6,000, in wartime we will be grateful for any amount acceptable to you.
DETAILS for payment:
Current account: UA373005280000026005455057520
EDRPOU: 42276128
Recipient's bank: JSC "OTP Bank"
MFO of the Bank: 300528
Purpose of payment: P.I.B. Payment for the provision of educational services.
Registration via the link:
Please note: the electronic version of the receipt must be downloaded in the registration form in the Google questionnaire.
Detailed information and registration

"Techniques and Practice of Family Counseling" Оn February 2024
Posted on 2024-01-09 14:18:26
We are recruiting for the "Techniques and Practice of Family Counseling" educational program, which offers the first level of the American "Psychological Counseling" program with a specialization in "Clinical Psychology and Family Therapy." The training will be held online on February 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The program includes evidence-based methods of psychological counseling recognized in the world, with the integration of Christian values into the educational process. This educational project has existed in Ukraine since 2016, is a joint project of Regent University (Virginia Beach, USA) and the International Institute of Postgraduate Education and is open to a wide range of students, in particular, social workers, teachers, lecturers and students, regardless of specialty. No special education is required to participate.
Upon successful completion of the 4-day training, participants will receive a certificate from the International Institute of Postgraduate Education with the support of Regent University.
The program is licensed by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture dated May 15, 2019 No. 509-L).
Participants will gain knowledge of family counseling within the disciplines:
1. Establishing work with families, couples, child-parent relationships and parents' requests for work with children's problems.
2. Effective family counseling during divorce and working with blended families.
3. Help in overcoming sexual difficulties in a couple's relationship.
4. Understanding addictive and codependent cycles and the skills to change them.
People often ask about course registration. We are convinced that this course should take place live, in dialogue. It is specially designed for a wide range of listeners. This training also acts as a kind of support group for the participants. We deliberately do not switch to sending recorded videos, training takes place online, but live. If you decide to undergo such training, please note that personal presence is a mandatory requirement.
The cost of training in peacetime is UAH 6,000, in wartime we will be grateful for any amount acceptable to you.
DETAILS for payment:
Current account: UA373005280000026005455057520 EDRPOU: 42276128
Recipient's bank: JSC "OTP Bank"
MFO of the Bank: 300528
Purpose of payment: P.I.B. Payment for the provision of educational services.
Please keep the receipt. Please note: the electronic version of the receipt must be downloaded in the registration form in the Google form.
Registration via the link:
Detailed information and registration

Teachers who pass "Fundamentals of child counseling and trauma therapy" can receive a professional development certificate December every Friday
Posted on 2023-11-15 12:47:45
From now on, teachers who pass the "Fundamentals of Child Counseling and Trauma Therapy" can receive a certificate that they can use to improve their qualifications. The course is estimated at 32 hours - 1 ECTS. The training is organized by the International Institute of Postgraduate Education in cooperation with the Association of Psychological Counseling and Trauma Therapy.
We remind you that training in December will be held every Friday - December 1, 8, 15 and 22 in online format from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
These classes will be conducted by children's crisis therapists who have extensive experience in the field of play and sand therapy. Teachers will conduct training according to American standards.
The course "Fundamentals of child counseling and trauma therapy" is open to everyone who provides psychological assistance to children in war conditions: psychologists, psychiatrists, volunteers, school psychologists, teachers, nurses, pediatricians, workers in orphanages, social workers and parents who wish to learn how to provide psychological first aid for children and adolescents. This course does not require special education.
The course will help participants understand how to work with children's grief and acute stress reactions of children to military events, to be able to stabilize the child's mental state and acquire practical and useful exercises for working with children in "field conditions". Such a course is useful for those who already have a basic knowledge of psychology and wish to deepen their knowledge of working with children who have experienced traumatic events. How to talk to children about war, loss of loved ones and other difficult topics.
Within the discipline, participants will receive the following knowledge:
1. Overview of children's trauma.
2. Techniques of working with children in "Field conditions".
3. Therapy of children's grief. Work with temporarily displaced families.
4. Learning the stabilization protocol.
Most often, people ask about recording the course, we are convinced that this course should take place live, in dialogue. It is specially designed for a wide range of listeners, this training additionally acts as a kind of support group for participants. We deliberately do not switch to sending recorded videos, training takes place online, but live. If you decide to undergo such training, please note that personal presence is a mandatory requirement.
The cost of the course in peacetime is UAH 6,000, in wartime we will be grateful for any amount acceptable to you.
DETAILS for payment:
Current account: UA373005280000026005455057520
EDRPOU: 42276128
Recipient's bank: JSC "OTP Bank"
MFO of the Bank: 300528
Purpose of payment: P.I.B. Payment for the provision of educational services.
Registration via the link:
Please note: the electronic version of the receipt must be downloaded in the registration form in the Google questionnaire.
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of Traumatherapy in December Every Friday and Saturday
Posted on 2023-11-07 11:36:47
The specialization "Trauma Therapy".
You can familiarize yourself with the course schedule in the section CURRICULUM PLAN.
Registration for online training in December is already open: every Friday- 1, 8, 15, 22 and Saturday - 2, 9, 16, 23 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Trauma Module 1 - has a general educational character and anyone can go through it:
psychologists, chaplains, volunteers, activists, social workers, teachers, priests, church ministers, as well as everyone for whom the topic of psychotrauma is relevant.
During courses, students will receive basic knowledge of trauma therapy, learn to
provide psychological first aid, receive skills assisting a client with death and loss, and learn to manage compassion fatigue.
Foundations of Trauma Therapy.
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy within the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma.
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and compassion stress management.
4. Grief and loss.
5. Protocols of immediate stabilization in the conditions of war according to the Israeli experience in the conditions of war (ISP).
Detailed information and registration
Detailed information and registration

We announce the course "Fundamentals of child counseling and trauma therapy" for December December every Friday
Posted on 2023-11-07 11:29:59
Welcome to the subject “Fundamentals of Child Counseling and Trauma Therapy” within the program “Psychological Counseling”, specialty “Clinical Counseling for Children and Adolescents”.
The educational project exists in Ukraine from 2016 in the result of collaboration between Regent University (Virginia Beach, USA) and International Institute of Postgraduate Institute (Kyiv, Ukraine) and designed for a wide range of students who share Christian values.
The studies will be held 2023 December, 1, 8, 15, 22 online from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Not only Psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, school psychologists are welcomed to join the training.but the training will be also useful for teachers, nurses in the field of psychiatry, pediatricians, workers at the orphanages, and social workers.
More details about the program are on the site:
Within the discipline, participants will receive the following knowledge:
1. Overview of children's trauma.
2. Techniques of working with children in "Field conditions".
3. Therapy of children's grief. Work with temporarily displaced families.
4. Learning the stabilization protocol.
We will provide you with all the necessary interventions to work with children and parents at this stage of the war.
Most often, people ask about recording the course, we are convinced that this course should take place live, in dialogue. It is specially designed for a wide range of listeners, this training additionally acts as a kind of support group for participants. We deliberately do not switch to sending recorded videos, training takes place online, but live. If you decide to undergo such training, please note that personal presence is a mandatory requirement.
The cost of the course in peacetime is UAH 6,000, in wartime we will be grateful for any amount acceptable to you.
DETAILS for payment:
Current account: UA373005280000026005455057520
EDRPOU: 42276128
Recipient's bank: JSC "OTP Bank"
MFO of the Bank: 300528
Purpose of payment: P.I.B. Payment for the provision of educational services.
Registration via the link:
Detailed information and registration

"Techniques and Practice of Family Counseling" in November Novemberevery Friday
Posted on 2023-10-19 08:11:36
We are recruiting for the "Techniques and Practice of Family Counseling" educational program, which offers the first level of the American "Psychological Counseling" program with a specialization in "Clinical Psychology and Family Therapy." The training will be held online every Friday, November 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The program includes evidence-based methods of psychological counseling recognized in the world, with the integration of Christian values into the educational process. This educational project has existed in Ukraine since 2016, is a joint project of Regent University (Virginia Beach, USA) and the International Institute of Postgraduate Education and is open to a wide range of students, in particular, social workers, teachers, lecturers and students, regardless of specialty. No special education is required to participate.
Upon successful completion of the 4-day training, participants will receive a certificate from the International Institute of Postgraduate Education with the support of Regent University.
The program is licensed by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture dated May 15, 2019 No. 509-L).
Participants will gain knowledge of family counseling within the disciplines:
1. Establishing work with families, couples, child-parent relationships and parents' requests for work with children's problems.
2. Effective family counseling during divorce and working with blended families.
3. Help in overcoming sexual difficulties in a couple's relationship.
4. Understanding addictive and codependent cycles and the skills to change them.
People often ask about course registration. We are convinced that this course should take place live, in dialogue. It is specially designed for a wide range of listeners. This training also acts as a kind of support group for the participants. We deliberately do not switch to sending recorded videos, training takes place online, but live. If you decide to undergo such training, please note that personal presence is a mandatory requirement.
The cost of training in peacetime is UAH 6,000, in wartime we will be grateful for any amount acceptable to you.
DETAILS for payment:
Current account: UA373005280000026005455057520 EDRPOU: 42276128
Recipient's bank: JSC "OTP Bank"
MFO of the Bank: 300528
Purpose of payment: P.I.B. Payment for the provision of educational services.
Please keep the receipt. Please note: the electronic version of the receipt must be downloaded in the registration form in the Google form.
Registration via the link:
Detailed information and registration

We announce the course "Fundamentals of child counseling and trauma therapy" for November Every Saturday in November
Posted on 2023-10-19 08:06:27
Welcome to the subject “Fundamentals of Child Counseling and Trauma Therapy” within the program “Psychological Counseling”, specialty “Clinical Counseling for Children and Adolescents”.
The educational project exists in Ukraine from 2016 in the result of collaboration between Regent University (Virginia Beach, USA) and International Institute of Postgraduate Institute (Kyiv, Ukraine) and designed for a wide range of students who share Christian values.
The studies will be held November 11, 18, 25 and December 2, 2023, online from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m..
Not only Psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, school psychologists are welcomed to join the training.but the training will be also useful for teachers, nurses in the field of psychiatry, pediatricians, workers at the orphanages, and social workers.
More details about the program are on the site:
Within the discipline, participants will receive the following knowledge:
1. Overview of children's trauma.
2. Techniques of working with children in "Field conditions".
3. Therapy of children's grief. Work with temporarily displaced families.
4. Learning the stabilization protocol.
We will provide you with all the necessary interventions to work with children and parents at this stage of the war.
Most often, people ask about recording the course, we are convinced that this course should take place live, in dialogue. It is specially designed for a wide range of listeners, this training additionally acts as a kind of support group for participants. We deliberately do not switch to sending recorded videos, training takes place online, but live. If you decide to undergo such training, please note that personal presence is a mandatory requirement.
The cost of the course in peacetime is UAH 6,000, in wartime we will be grateful for any amount acceptable to you.
DETAILS for payment:
Current account: UA373005280000026005455057520
EDRPOU: 42276128
Recipient's bank: JSC "OTP Bank"
MFO of the Bank: 300528
Purpose of payment: P.I.B. Payment for the provision of educational services.
Registration via the link:
Detailed information and registration

We are sincerely grateful to friends from all over the world who support us in important initiatives Corie Schoeneberg just returned from the Play Therapy Association conference in Palm Springs, California
Posted on 2023-10-19 07:45:08
Corie Schoeneberg just returned from the Play Therapy Association conference in Palm Springs, California, where she met with people who in one way or another were involved in the process of training play therapy specialists in Ukraine.
People gathered for the photo, who made a lot of effort so that our students and teachers had the opportunity to organize training for teachers, as well as seminars on crisis counseling for children at the beginning of the war.
We want to introduce you to them and express our gratitude to them.just returned from the Association for Play Therapy’s Conference in Palm Springs, California
Featured in the photo (left to right):
Dr. Rebecca Chow (Grant Facilitator for Mobile Play Therapy Kits, Play Therapy Scholarships, and Teacher Support Groups),
Leslie Baker (Emergency Crisis Counseling for Children Workshop Session at Start of War),
Cindy Palen (Ongoing Play Therapy Clinical Supervisor and Faculty Member for Play Therapy Education Program in Ukraine),
Dr. Corie Schoeneberg (Director of Play Therapy Program in Ukraine),
Kristi Cronan (Ongoing Play Therapy Clinical Supervisor and Faculty Member for Play Therapy Education Program in Ukraine),
Dr. Kim Vander Dussen (Emergency Crisis Counseling for Children Workshop Session at Start of War & Neurosequential Model of Education Group Instructor),
Dr. Dee Ray (Mentor and Consult for Teacher Support Groups at Start of War),
Kathy Lebby (Association for Play Therapy CEO/ Advocate & Collaborator for Play Therapy Support in Ukraine).
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of Traumatherapy Every Friday
Posted on 2023-10-19 06:39:07
The specialization "Trauma Therapy".
You can familiarize yourself with the course schedule in the section CURRICULUM PLAN.
Registration for online training in November is already open: every Friday in November 3, 10, 17, 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Trauma Module 1 - has a general educational character and anyone can go through it:
psychologists, chaplains, volunteers, activists, social workers, teachers, priests, church ministers, as well as everyone for whom the topic of psychotrauma is relevant.
During courses, students will receive basic knowledge of trauma therapy, learn to
provide psychological first aid, receive skills assisting a client with death and loss, and learn to manage compassion fatigue.
Foundations of Trauma Therapy.
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy within the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma.
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and compassion stress management.
4. Grief and loss.
5. Protocols of immediate stabilization in the conditions of war according to the Israeli experience in the conditions of war (ISP).
Detailed information and registration
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of Traumatherapy Every Friday and Saturday
Posted on 2023-09-07 09:38:56
The specialization "Trauma Therapy" consists of Trauma Module 1 and Trauma Module 2.
You can familiarize yourself with the course schedule in the section CURRICULUM PLAN.
Trauma Module 1 - has a general educational character and anyone can go through it:
psychologists, chaplains, volunteers, activists, social workers, teachers, priests, church ministers, as well as everyone for whom the topic of psychotrauma is relevant.
During courses, students will receive basic knowledge of trauma therapy, learn to
provide psychological first aid, receive skills assisting a client with death and loss, and learn to manage compassion fatigue.
Foundations of Trauma Therapy.
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy within the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma.
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and compassion stress management.
4. Grief and loss.
5. Protocols of immediate stabilization in the conditions of war according to the Israeli experience in the conditions of war (ISP).
Detailed information and registration
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of child counseling and traumatherapy September every Friday
Posted on 2023-09-01 09:12:22
Participants will gain knowledge in the following disciplines:
1. Psychosocial development in early childhood, childhood and adolescence.
2. Common diagnoses in childhood and adolescence, including autism and other mental disorders.
3. The impact of child trauma, abuse and neglect on the child’s development.
4. Introduction to game therapy.
Detailed information and registration

Family Therapy Techniques and Practices September from 4 to 7
Posted on 2023-09-01 09:05:27
Welcome to the subject «Family Therapy Techniques and Practices”. The studies will be held September from 4 to 7.
The educational project exists in Ukraine from 2016 in the result of collaboration between Regent University (Virginia Beach, USA) and International Institute of Postgraduate Institute (Kyiv, Ukraine) and designed for a wide range of students who share Christian values.
It is the initial subject ” within the program “Psychological Counseling”, specialty “Family and Marriage Counseling”.
We invite not only certified psychologists and psychotherapists, but also social workers, teachers, professors and students.
Participants will gain knowledge of family counseling within the following disciplines:
1. Setting up work with families, couples, child-parent relationships and parents’ requests to work with child problems.
2. Effective family counseling on divorce issues and work with mixed families.
3. Help with overcoming difficulties in couples’ sexual relationships.
4. Understanding addictive and codependent cycles and how to change them.
More details are on the site:
Tuition: 6000 UAH.
Beneficiary: LDT “International Institute of Postgraduate Education” (ТОВ «Міжнародний інститут післядипломної освіти»)
Account: UA373005280000026005455057520
ID: 42276128
Bank of beneficiary: ОТP Bank
Bank Code: 300528
Purpose of payment: Payment for educational services.
Subcription by link:
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of Traumatherapy September every Friday
Posted on 2023-09-01 09:00:03
Classes every Friday in September 2023
The specialization "Trauma Therapy" consists of Trauma Module 1 and Trauma Module 2.
You can familiarize yourself with the course schedule in the section CURRICULUM PLAN.
Trauma Module 1 - has a general educational character and anyone can go through it:
psychologists, chaplains, volunteers, activists, social workers, teachers, priests, church ministers, as well as everyone for whom the topic of psychotrauma is relevant.
During courses, students will receive basic knowledge of trauma therapy, learn to
provide psychological first aid, receive skills assisting a client with death and loss, and learn to manage compassion fatigue.
Foundations of Trauma Therapy.
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy within the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma.
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and compassion stress management.
4. Grief and loss.
5. Protocols of immediate stabilization in the conditions of war according to the Israeli experience in the conditions of war (ISP).
Detailed information and registration

Practical training and support of multidisciplinary rehabilitation teams in health care institutions August 2023
Posted on 2023-08-02 12:39:31
We organize trainings on mastering practical skills for doctors of physical and rehabilitation medicine. It is aimed at improving the qualifications of multidisciplinary rehabilitation teams in health care institutions to provide quality rehabilitation care.
The program of the event covers the following topics:
The role of the FRM doctor in the multidisciplinary team. Rehabilitation cycle. Documentation.
The role of a physical therapist in a multidisciplinary team. Competences, assessment, documentation.
The role of an occupational therapist in a multidisciplinary team. Competences, assessment, documentation.
Secondary prevention of arterial hypertension and atrial fibrillation.
Load tolerance.
Ergotherapy in the case of acute cerebrovascular accident (CAC).
Physical therapy for acute cerebrovascular accident.
Examination of the FRM doctor in case of mine-explosive injuries. Red flags.
Physical therapy for mine and explosive injuries.
Occupational therapy for mine and explosive injuries.
Detailed information and registration

Some feedback that we have received from our participants We were able to conduct training for a group of 55 chaplains in Ukraine.
Posted on 2022-10-20 10:40:44
We were able to conduct training for a group of 55 chaplains in Ukraine. During the month of September they have received the training in foundations of trauma therapy.
This is some feedback that we have received from our participants:
"The course is complete and original. Clearly built around the ISP protocol [Immediate Stabilization Procedures] and understanding of trauma. Thank you very much!"
"The course is very interesting in general. And as you delve into it, more and more questions appear. And everything that is on the course is very good)))"
Among the topics that were most helpful, participants identified the ISP protocol, grieving, stabilization, rules of conduct in crisis, the work with hope and future goal settings, anxiety, and PTSD symptomology understanding.
Currently, we have about 170 chaplains registered to take this course in November. All of these chaplains are actively engaged with trauma work either directly with soldiers on the front lines or with their service communities all around Ukraine. Chaplains are often the first source of support that people are seeking at the time of war. So, we are so grateful that this we were able to launch this project and that this relationship with the chaplain community is strengthening.
Detailed information and registration

Тhe cohort of psychologists trained according to American standards is replenished 50 students within this initiative started their studies on December 7, 2021
Posted on 2022-10-20 10:34:58
We are always happy when the cohort of psychologists trained according to American standards is replenished. We would like to share with you the success of our students who study within the framework of Initiative B.3 of the Implementation Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the NATO Support and Supply Organization on the implementation of cooperation in the field of medical rehabilitation, approved by Resolution No. 49 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 02.03.2016. Such a complex the name of the project, which takes place with the support of the NATO Trust Fund on the basis of the International Institute of Postgraduate Education, united specialists who provide psychological assistance in the structures of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the National Guard from almost all regions of Ukraine.
50 students within this initiative started their studies on December 7, 2021. Currently, they have already successfully completed the following subjects within the framework of the "Psychological Counseling" program:
COUN 521 Psychological Counseling Skills and Techniques,
COUN 561 Professional Ethics and Legal Issues in Psychological Counseling Practice
COUN 557 Assessment and Treatment of Psychotraumatic Conditions.
COUN 538 Psychopathology
COUN 556 Fundamentals of Trauma Therapy
COUN 558 Modern methods of trauma therapy I.
COUN 554 Group Psychological Counseling
COUN 546 Theories of Family Counseling
COUN 526 Theories and Practice of Psychological Counseling.
No less important subjects are ahead:
COUN 535 Addictive Behavior: Procedural and Chemical Dependencies
COUN 559 Modern methods of trauma therapy II.
Also, in the process, students have enough practice and receive constant supervision.
This is a rather rich and complex program, but extremely relevant in modern conditions and gives psychologists the necessary knowledge, skills, available methods and tools to help people as efficiently as possible.
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of Traumatherapy Еvery Friday in November 2022
Posted on 2022-10-20 10:30:34
Classes every Friday in November 2022
The price of the first 4-day module The Basics of Trauma Therapy is 4000 UAH ($150 USD). Mandatory prepayment of 1000 UAH ($38 USD), the rest to be paid on the first day of module. Upon completion participants receive a certificate.
The specialization "Trauma Therapy" consists of Trauma Module 1 and Trauma Module 2.
You can familiarize yourself with the course schedule in the section CURRICULUM PLAN.
Trauma Module 1 - has a general educational character and anyone can go through it:
psychologists, chaplains, volunteers, activists, social workers, teachers, priests, church ministers, as well as everyone for whom the topic of psychotrauma is relevant.
During courses, students will receive basic knowledge of trauma therapy, learn to
provide psychological first aid, receive skills assisting a client with death and loss, and learn to manage compassion fatigue.
Foundations of Trauma Therapy.
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy within the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma.
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and compassion stress management.
4. Grief and loss.
5. Protocols of immediate stabilization in the conditions of war according to the Israeli experience in the conditions of war (ISP).
Detailed information and registration

Seminar "Foundations of Child Counseling" on Fridays in November November 4, 11, 18, 25
Posted on 2022-10-20 10:26:21
Seminar "Foundations of Child Counseling" on Fridays in November (November 4, 11, 18, 25). The seminar will cover the following topics:
- Psychosocial Development in Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence
- Diagnoses Common in Childhood and Adolescence
- Considerations in Childhood Trauma, Abuse, and Neglect
- Introduction to Play Therapy
Duration of the Seminar - 4 days.
Participants will receive certificates of the seminar complition and this will count as the first course towards the postgraduate program in "Psychological Counseling" with "Child and Adolescent Mental Health Counseling Concentration", approved by the Ukraine Ministry of Education.
Psychology degree is not required for this seminar.
The cost of studying in the training is 4000 UAH ($150 USD).
Mandatory payment of 1000 UAH ($38 USD). Details are listed below.
To participate in the training, please, register online.
Detailed information and registration

А course "Sexuality and psychotherapy of sexual disorders" From May 30 to June 3
Posted on 2022-10-12 11:02:49
We will continue to introduce you to our teachers and specialized courses. From May 30 to June 3, we had a course "Sexuality and psychotherapy of sexual disorders" taught by Psy.D. Mark A. Yarhouse. Mark will tell you about himself best: «I teach clinical psychology at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. I am part of the core faculty in the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology where I serve as the Dr. Arthur P. Rech and Mrs. Jean May Rech Chair in Psychology and oversee the Sexual & Gender Identity Institute. For more than 20 years I’ve been conducting research on sexual identity development and the experiences of persons of faith who are navigating sexual identity with a desire to achieve identity synthesis or congruence. I have also conducted original research on the experiences of transgender persons of faith. These studies include the experiences of LGBT+ students at Christian colleges and universities, people in mixed orientation marriages, and Christians parents whose children have come out as gay or transgender, just to name a few».
This course "Sexuality and psychotherapy of sexual disorders" is taught to students of the postgraduate program "Psychological Counseling" as one of the special subjects. This course examines in detail the approaches of various schools to sexual psychotherapy, taking into account the sociocultural context of the client. Also, the course examines various aspects of human sexuality, both normal and pathological, new information and views on the nature and manifestation of a number of sexual deviations, such as: desire disorders in men and women, paraphilias and paraphilia disorders, sexual addiction, problems of sexual self-determination and gender dysphoria.
It deserves special attention that the proposed course presents a Christian understanding of sexual health, which is acceptable from the standpoint of the Christian model of psychological assistance for sexual disorders and deviations. The purpose of the educational discipline is to form students a holistic view of counseling for sexual problems, as well as to prepare students to perform tasks and functions in the field of providing therapeutic assistance to people with sexual problems and disharmonies; in students mastering the system-forming concepts and categories of sexology and sexopathology, which provides the possibility of a correct understanding of many individual and family problems; development of professional competence in the field of sexology and sexopathology.
The main tasks of the course were:
1. To acquaint students with the basics of sexuality from various aspects, namely: sexuality in theological, sociocultural, biological and therapeutic perspectives;
2. To provide information about the peculiarities of the psychosexual development of a person, the variety of sexual behavior in normal and pathological conditions, ideas about sexual disorders and sexual health;
3. To acquaint students with psychogenic factors of sexual dysfunctions, providing effective psychological assistance in solving these problems;
4. To help students understand their own sexuality;
5. Form students' desire for professional self-development and self-improvement;
6. To help in understanding the importance of maintaining confidentiality and ethical standards of work in case of sexual disharmony and problems.
As a result of training, students: Acquired extensive and accurate knowledge of modern thought about historical, biological, psychological and socio-cultural views on human sexuality. Acquired the necessary degree of comfort in solving sexual problems presented by clients in a state of distress. Started the process of developing applied therapeutic skills in the field of sexual therapy.
At the end of this course, students will be ready to conduct sexual counseling in real-world settings under the supervision of a qualified professional or seek other forms of practical training in this area. Received information about different models of sexual therapy for more effective counseling of individuals, families and religious communities. Increased the possibility of using resources from various models of sexual therapy in psychological work with both religious and non-religious population groups. Our students use all these techniques in their further work, in particular at our clinical base, the Center for Psychological Counseling and Trauma Therapy "Open Doors".
Detailed information and registration

The Basics of Trauma Therapy Classes every Friday in October 2022
Posted on 2022-09-05 09:24:22
Trauma Module 1 - has a general educational character and anyone can go through it:
psychologists, chaplains, volunteers, activists, social workers, teachers, priests, church ministers, as well as everyone for whom the topic of psychotrauma is relevant.
During courses, students will receive basic knowledge of trauma therapy, learn to
provide psychological first aid, receive skills assisting a client with death and loss, and learn to manage compassion fatigue.
Foundations of Trauma Therapy.
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy within the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma.
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and compassion stress management.
4. Grief and loss.
5. Protocols of immediate stabilization in the conditions of war according to the Israeli experience in the conditions of war (ISP).
The price of the first 4-day module The Basics of Trauma Therapy is 4000 UAH ($150 USD). Mandatory prepayment of 1000 UAH ($38 USD), the rest to be paid on the first day of module. Upon completion participants receive a certificate.
Payment Information:
Recipient: International Institute of Postgraduate Education.
Account number: UA373005280000026005455057520
EDRPOU: 42276128
Recipient's Bank: OTP Bank JSC
Bank MFO: 300528
Purpose of payment: Payment for educational services.
Please keep a receipt for payment to be presented on the first day of study if necessary.
Detailed information and registration

We are incredibly grateful the Dr Margaret Lowenfeld Trust for a variety of play therapy sand tray miniatures. All figures will complement our play therapy miniatures collection.
Posted on 2022-08-30 09:47:46
We received a wonderful donation from the Dr Margaret Lowenfeld Trust - a variety of play therapy sand tray miniatures. The sets contain miniatures from various categories: there are animals, transport, nature, people of various professions, including a large collection of military, policemen, Indians and cowboys. All figures will complement our play therapy miniatures collection.
We are incredibly grateful for this generous help.
A game for a child is language, and toys are words with the help of which a child who cannot express a problem, tells an adult about his/her anxieties and fears by choosing a certain toy. The sand tray is a safe space for the child, where he/she makes up his/her own world, the creator of which he/she is. And in this world, they learn to overcome their problems, become more capable and confident. Then it helps to cope with difficulties and solve problems in real life situations. Thus, in the game, children heal themselves.
We would like to remind you that from September 20 to 23, IIPE conducts training "Fundamentals of Child Counseling and Traumatherapy". Training will be held online from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Training is conducted by children's crisis therapists, experts in the field of play and sand therapy.
Teachers are trained to work according to American standards. Issues of how to talk to children about the war and the loss of loved ones will be discussed.
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of child counseling and traumatherapy September from 20 to 23, 2022
Posted on 2022-07-22 11:17:23
Welcome to the subject “Fundamentals of Child Counseling and Trauma Therapy” within the program “Psychological Counseling”, specialty “Clinical Counseling for Children and Adolescents”.
The educational project exists in Ukraine from 2016 in the result of collaboration between Regent University (Virginia Beach, USA) and International Institute of Postgraduate Institute (Kyiv, Ukraine) and designed for a wide range of students who share Christian values.
The studies will be held in 20-23 September 2022.
Not only Psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, school psychologists are welcomed to join the training.but the training will be also useful for teachers, nurses in the field of psychiatry, pediatricians, workers at the orphanages, and social workers.
Participants will gain knowledge within the following disciplines:
1. Psychosocial development in early childhood, childhood and adolescence.
2. Common diagnosis in childhood and adolescence, including autism and other mental disorders.
3. The impact of childhood trauma, abuse and neglect on child development.
4. Introduction to game therapy.
More details about the program are on the site:
The program is licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science in Ukraine (Decree No.509-Л of May 15, 2019).
Tutition: 4000 UAH, for school psychologists– 2000 UAH.
*mandatory prepayment of 1000 UAH before the beginning of the studies.
Beneficiary: LDT “International Institute of Postgraduate Education” (ТОВ «Міжнародний інститут післядипломної освіти»)
Account: UA373005280000026005455057520
ID: 42276128
Bank of beneficiary: ОТP Bank
Bank Code: 300528
Purpose of payment: Payment for educational services.
Subcription by link:
Attention: Keep the electronic version of the receipt, as it must be downloaded to the Google registration form. Please keep a receipt for payment to provide it on the first day of training, if necessary.
Detailed information and registration

Family Therapy Techniques and Practice September from 12 to 15
Posted on 2022-08-21 07:21:49
Welcome to the subject« Family Therapy Techniques and Practices”. The studies will be held September from 12 to 15. The educational project exists in Ukraine from 2016 in the result of collaboration between Regent University (Virginia Beach, USA) and International Institute of Postgraduate Institute (Kyiv, Ukraine) and designed for a wide range of students who share Christian values.
It is the initial subject ” within the program “Psychological Counseling”, specialty “Family and Marriage Counseling”.
We invite not only certified psychologists and psychotherapists, but also social workers, teachers, professors and students.
Participants will gain knowledge of family counseling within the following disciplines:
1. Setting up work with families, couples, child-parent relationships and parents’ requests to work with child problems.
2. Effective family counseling on divorce issues and work with mixed families.
3. Help with overcoming difficulties in couples’ sexual relationships.
4. Understanding addictive and codependent cycles and how to change them.
More details are on the site:
Tuition: 4000 UAH.
Beneficiary: LDT “International Institute of Postgraduate Education” (ТОВ «Міжнародний інститут післядипломної освіти»)
Account: UA373005280000026005455057520
ID: 42276128
Bank of beneficiary: ОТP Bank
Bank Code: 300528
Purpose of payment: Payment for educational services.
Subcription by link:
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of Traumatherapy September 5-8
Posted on 2022-09-05 09:14:04
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy in the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma therapy
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and stress management.
4. Psychological help with grief and loss.
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of Traumatherapy September every Friday
Posted on 2022-08-21 07:23:39
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy in the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma therapy
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and stress management.
4. Psychological help with grief and loss.
Detailed information and registration

Stabilization and support groups
Psychological stabilization and support groups for educators Start: June 13 (already recruited); June 27; August 15; August 29.
Posted on 2022-06-17 10:37:41
The International Institute of Postgraduate Education and the Open Doors Center for Psychological Counseling and Traumatherapy announces organization of psychological stabilization and support groups for educators.
By visiting the groups, participants will be able to:
Use the proposed techniques to stabilize and restore their internal condition and resources.
Master the techniques of stabilizing the child's condition in both individual and group work.
Learn to answer children's questions about the war and understand the inner condition of a child in grieving condition associated with various forms of losses.
Learn about the peculiarities of communication with the child and other family members of temporary displaced persons.
We form groups of 10 people, who will meet once a week online in the Zoom program on working days from 18.00 to 20.00.
Each group will receive 8 lessons of 2 hours each for 2 months.
Participation is free.
Start: June 13 (already recruited); June 27; August 15; August 29.
The groups will be conducted by highly qualified specialists who have the education of a practical psychologist, as well as have received special training in the field of play therapy in accordance with American standards.
All psychologists have experience in providing psychological aid to children and adolescents. Once the groups are formed, the administrator will send you a link to enter the classes in the Zoom program.
If you have any questions, you can call: 097 750 22 57 on working days from 9.00 to 20.00
You need to fill out the registration form and choose a convenient day to visit the group (we recommend attending all classes). The registration form can be found at:
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of Traumatherapy July or August every Friday
Posted on 2022-06-03 08:44:27
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy in the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma therapy
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and stress management.
4. Psychological help with grief and loss.
Detailed information and registration

Family Therapy Techniques and Practice Maу, 17-20, 2022
Posted on 2022-04-26 07:38:16
Participants will gain knowledge in the following disciplines:
- Initial Steps in Working with Families, Couples, Parent-Child Relationships, and Child Issues
- Effective Family Communication in Divorce and Work with Blended Families
- Dealing with Sexual Difficulties
- Understanding Addiction and Codependency: Breaking Addictive Cycle.
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of Traumatherapy Maу 03-06, 2022
Posted on 2022-04-26 07:38:33
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy in the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma therapy
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and stress management.
4. Psychological help with grief and loss.
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of child counseling and traumatherapy Maу 10-13, 2022
Posted on 2022-04-26 07:48:25
Participants will gain knowledge in the following disciplines:
1. Psychosocial development in early childhood, childhood and adolescence.
2. Common diagnoses in childhood and adolescence, including autism and other mental disorders.
3. The impact of child trauma, abuse and neglect on the child’s development.
4. Introduction to game therapy.
Detailed information and registration

Advanced skills of effective work with veterans and their injuries From December 2021 to February 2022
Posted on 2021-12-02 07:27:50
The International Organization for Migration (IOM), with the financial support of the European Union, is launching a training camp under the "Strengthening the Capacity to Provide Psychosocial Support" component of the project "Socio-Economic Support for Reintegration of Conflict Veterans in Eastern Ukraine and Their Families".
It can take no more than 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Coach: Dr. Joshua Kreimeyer is Professor of the Master's Degree Program in Clinical Practice in Mental Health at Regis University, Denver, Colorado, and at the International Institute of Postgraduate Education in Kyiv. Licensed professional consultant and family therapist. He has experience in general practice, private practice and family therapist outpatient clinics in the US Department of Veterans Affairs.
Participants are selected on a competitive basis. Applying does not guarantee that you will become a participant in the training.
All personal data provided by you in this questionnaire will be kept in strict accordance with the International Organization for Migration's Data Protection Principles.
The aim is to provide an opportunity for mental health professionals to develop and practice effective skills in working with veterans and their families.
10 offline trainings until February 28, Kyiv
Features of training:
• Participation is free, travel, accommodation and meals are covered by the organizers
• Two-day offline training in English and Ukrainian
• Total duration of training up to 14 hours
• Based on the results of the training, a certificate will be issued confirming the completion of the training
• Applications are accepted from psychologists from all regions of Ukraine
• The number of seats is limited
Have time to register by December 15 at the link
Detailed information and registration

Congratulations to our colleagues 25.05.2021
Posted on 2021-06-02 08:38:52
Our teachers of the International Institute of Postgraduate Education Olesya Druzhina and Ksenia Wittenberg became EMDR accredited consultants.
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of child counseling and traumatherapy 15-18.09.2021
Posted on 2021-06-02 07:45:54
Participants will gain knowledge in the following disciplines:
1. Psychosocial development in early childhood, childhood and adolescence.
2. Common diagnoses in childhood and adolescence, including autism and other mental disorders.
3. The impact of child trauma, abuse and neglect on the child’s development.
4. Introduction to game therapy.
Detailed information and registration

Foundations of Traumatherapy 07-11.09.2021
Posted on 2021-06-02 07:38:42
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy in the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma therapy
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and stress management.
4. Psychological help with grief and loss.
5. Readaptation of military families after hostilities.
Detailed information and registration
Detailed information and registration

Family Therapy Techniques and Practice 22-25.09.2021
Posted on 2021-06-02 07:27:45
The program is the result of cooperation between Regent University (Virginia Beach, USA) and the International Institute of Postgraduate Education (Kyiv). The educational project has existed in Ukraine since 2016. In March 2020, the first training of students in the specialization “Family Counseling” began.
Upon completion of the basic course, participants will be issued a certificate from the International Institute of Postgraduate Education with the support of Regent University, which provides:
- 20 points of continuous professional development in accordance with paragraph 3.4. Annex 5 to the Procedure for attestation of doctors approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 446 dated 22.02.2019
- 24 hours of professional development of pedagogical workers in accordance with paragraph 6 of the Procedure for professional development of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of 21.08.2019 № 800 and the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1 / 9-683 from 04 November 2019 on professional development and certification pedagogical workers.
The program is licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 15.05.2019 № 509-L).
Detailed information and registration

Family Therapy Techniques and Practice Maу 12-15, 2021
Posted on 2021-04-05 07:47:04
The program is the result of cooperation between Regent University (Virginia Beach, USA) and the International Institute of Postgraduate Education (Kyiv). The educational project has existed in Ukraine since 2016. In March 2020, the first training of students in the specialization “Family Counseling” began.
Upon completion of the basic course, participants will be issued a certificate from the International Institute of Postgraduate Education with the support of Regent University, which provides:
- 20 points of continuous professional development in accordance with paragraph 3.4. Annex 5 to the Procedure for attestation of doctors approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 446 dated 22.02.2019
- 24 hours of professional development of pedagogical workers in accordance with paragraph 6 of the Procedure for professional development of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of 21.08.2019 № 800 and the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1 / 9-683 from 04 November 2019 on professional development and certification pedagogical workers.
The program is licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 15.05.2019 № 509-L).
Detailed information and registration

Practical intensive
Manual interventions and rules of selection of exercises for restrictive lung diseases. Basic practical skills. February 19, 2021
Posted on 2021-02-15 07:44:17
This training will take place in Kyiv (offline) with the compliance of all the necessary prevention measures.
The following will be considered:
- manual techniques of intervention in pulmonary diseases. Indications and contraindications to interventions;
- rules of selection of exercises from the point of view of anatomy, physiology and needs of the patient. Independent selection of a set of exercises by each participant and analysis of each case;
- practical training in proper breathing and coughing.
Due to the effectivenesss of practical format, the event is available to only 10 participants. In order to work on specific exercises, all participants must have comfortable clothes and shoes.
Preliminary training requires a thorough acquaintance with two other Webinars of the professional school: "Introduction to physical rehabilitation medicine of pulmonary pathology of the postCovid-19 period" and "Rules of exercising in physical rehabilitation medicine for pulmonary pathology COVID 19". All interventions will be based on the data considered during these activitie
Detailed information and registration

Professional school of physical and rehabilitation medicine On Mondays according to schedule
Posted on 2021-02-15 07:56:48
We are expanding the available subjects for postgraduate training. We are pleased to announce the opening of a professional school of physical and rehabilitation medicine on a permanent basis.
First events of the school of of physical and rehabilitation medicine on the basis of the International Institute of Postgraduate Education had an incredible success, now we present a schedule for the near future.
On February 19 will take place the Intensive Professional School "Manual interventions and rules of selection of exercises for restrictive lung diseases. Basic practical skills". The lector is Kateryna Zinovieva.
On March 1 will take place the Professional School «Management of cerebral palsy in accordance with international standards (functional assessment and rehabilitation)». The lector is Oksana Nazar.
On Marhc 15 will take place the Professional School «How to inform the patient and his family members about a difficult diagnosis so that you can be heard» The lector is Krylova Kateryna/
Details are in announcements on our Facebook page.
Detailed information and registration

“Foundations of child counseling and traumatherapy” Maу 12-15, 2021
Posted on 2021-04-23 05:06:16
Participants will gain knowledge in the following disciplines:
1. Psychosocial development in early childhood, childhood and adolescence.
2. Common diagnoses in childhood and adolescence, including autism and other mental disorders.
3. The impact of child trauma, abuse and neglect on the child’s development.
4. Introduction to game therapy.
Detailed information and registration

“Foundations of Traumatherapy” Maу 11-15, 2021
Posted on 2021-04-05 07:49:10
Participants will gain knowledge of the basics of trauma therapy in the disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma therapy
2. First psychological aid.
3. Compassion fatigue and stress management.
4. Psychological help with grief and loss.
5. Readaptation of military families after hostilities.
Detailed information and registration
Detailed information and registration

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On Mondays according to schedule
Announcement Professional school of physical and rehabilitation medicine
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